Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ugh... August 5, 2014

I'm back here again. Sigh... I haven't weighed myself yet, mostly because I'm afraid too, but I know it's around 155 pounds. Yuck, yuck, yuck. So, I thought I would try writing on the blog again to see if it spurs me on. I want to get to something around 135 pounds, which means shedding around 20 pounds. :/

 Okay, so far today I've had...


  1. 1/2 cup coffee with creamer (~35 calories)
  2. 1 Kashi Trail Mix cereal bar (~150 calories) 
  3. 3 pieces of cantaloupe 
I will go through the old posts to see what I did last time in documenting what I ate. I might not do Weight Watchers ... all that calculation was time consuming, but we'll see.

I would love to do Zumba again, but I have to sign up to a gym (a year long membership and all) to do it. I like the gym (I had a membership, but I got busy and work and then it was a waste of money). The YMCA by work doesn't offer any mid-day classes. I'm going to contact them to inquire about it, but for now, it's a no-go.

So for now I think I want to start doing yoga and meditation. The yoga because my back is always so tight throughout the day so I think re-learning some flexibility will be helpful. I want to try meditation because I've read that it helps center you and forces you to (among other things) be mindful of your dietary choices. Which is what I need.