I've decided that I'm going to stop calculating WW points and calories. Well, I'll probably still put the calories down if I know them, but I'm not going to go out of my way to calculate the calories for casseroles and the like. The point of stopping now is that I want to see how I do while I'm still weighing myself pretty regularly. Since I don't want to be calculating points for the rest of my life, I want to see if I can maintain making smart choices without the push of calculating the points. If it doesn't work (i.e. I start gaining weight), then I'll go back to the tracking them. But for now, I'm done. :)
For breakfast1/2 cup of coffee w/vanilla creamer (35 calories)
1 Nutri-Grain strawberry cereal bar (130 calories)
For lunch
1 turkey ham wrap w/cheddar cheese, mixed greens, fat-free mayo, and alfalfa sprouts (215 calories)
A handful of green seedless grapes (25 calories)
A handful of mixed nuts (85 calories)
For dinner
1 chicken patty burger w/remulade sauce and lettuce on a bun
1 serving of chicken caesar pasta with chicken
1 trail mix bar (140 calories)
1 tall mocha w/skim milk
A little over 30 minutes on an elliptical machine
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